Bulls Masters Bring Relief to Ingham

March 6 2025

Bulls Masters Managing Director, Jimmy Maher and Former Queensland and Australian cricket great, Carl Rackemann went to Ingham today with cricket equipment to replenish the stock destroyed by the recent floods.

“The Cornerstone Group in Brisbane (Directors Liz Pidgeon and Andrew Harper) had recently offered some gear to the Bulls Masters and in light of the recent flood damage to cricket clubs in Ingham and surrounding areas we thought they would be a great recipient of the much-needed equipment for their junior and senior clubs”, Bulls Masters managing director, Jimmy Maher said.

 “We are extremely grateful to the Cornerstone Group for thinking of us and giving us the opportunity to put this to its best use. The community of Ingham and surrounding areas has fallen on some tough times recently so Bulls Masters hope this can help in some small way”, Maher added.

The cricket gear was received at the Herbert River Cricket club, by the club’s junior cricket co-ordinator, Shawn Hague.

“To be considered by the Bulls Masters after the devastation we endured in the floods is something we are extremely grateful for”, Hague explains.

“The kids were over the moon to have these absolute icons of the game come up to Ingham and deliver brand new equipment so that they can play the game that they love” Hague said.

“We are grateful to the Bulls Masters who do so much for cricket throughout the state. We don’t know where we’d be without the Bulls Masters support who are always looking to help out and no task is too big for them”.

Peter Busch, board member for North Queensland cricket was very appreciative for the gear, “Without this type of support and assistance in the toughest times, these kids literally wouldn’t be able to play or train. For former Queensland greats to care about us and help us get back into the nets by flying up here and delivering the gear personally shows what genuine care they have for the game all throughout Queensland. They give back to the game and support all Queensland communities”, Busch explained.

The Queensland team who won the Sheffield Shield back in 1995 had six from Regional Queensland, including Carl (Wondai) and myself (Innisfail), so we know it’s vitally important to support Regional Cricket Clubs and associations”, Maher said.

Maher also wanted to urge sporting clubs everywhere (not just cricket clubs) to take advantage of the support that the Crisafulli Government has provided. Grants of up to $5000 and are available to eligible sport and recreation organisations in disaster-activated areas in North Queensland and applying is easy through the government website. 


The grants have been used to help with clean-up and small repairs to quickly re-establish facilities and activities where possible.  

Sporting clubs are the backbone of our communities, and we know there are many in the disaster affected areas that have used those grants.  

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